[공지사항] ACAS 추가 데이터 전송 관련 시행 안내문

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미국 관세국경보호청(이하 CBP)은 의심스러운 화물에 대한 식별 및 잠재적 위협을 방지하기 위해

 “US ACAS Implementation Guide v2.3.3”을 통해 ACAS의 추가 데이터 요소를 발표 하였습니다.

CBP에 전자적으로 제출해야하는 ACAS 정보에 송하인/수하인 연락처 세부 정보 등

15개의 데이터 요소가 추가 되었으며, Freight Forwarder는 미국행 항공 화물의 송하인 및

수하인에 대한 15개 데이터를 항공사에 반드시 제공해야 합니다. 

당사는 TSA/CBP와 추가 데이터 전송 시행 일정을 지속적으로 협의하여, 다음과 같이 시행일이

확정되었음을 안내 드립니다.

고객께서는 아래 일정에 따라 FWB/FHL에 추가 데이터 포함하여 제출하여 주시기 바랍니다.


1. ACAS 추가 데이터 전송 시행 일자

  ■ 55개국 출발, 미국행 화물 : 2024.12.23 부 (KST) 

    ☞ 55개국의 상세 List는 연결 문서 참조 [Click]

  ■ 55개국 출발 이외 미국행 화물 : 2025.6.23 부 (KST)    

  ※ GUM 착 화물은 ACAS 신고 예외되므로, 해당 사항 없음 


2. ACAS 추가 데이터 요소 (FWB & FHL의 OCI Field 내 추가 데이터 기재)

  ■ 참고 문서 : US CBP의 ACAS Implementation Guide [Click] 및 Enhanced ACAS FAQ [Click] 

  ■  필수 전송 항목 15개 (Mandatory)

1) Shipper Email (EML)

2) Shipper Phone Number (SHP record)

3) Consignee Email (EML)

4) Consignee Phone Number (CNE record)

5) Customer Account Holder (AHL) (Shipper, Consignee, Third-party, etc.)

6) Customer Account Name (Party Type ESA Name field or Party Info Type ANM)

7) Customer Account Issuer (ISR)

8) Customer Account Number (ACT)

9) Customer Account Shipping Frequency/Volume (ATY)

10) Verified Known Consignor (KP)

11) Customer Account Establishment Date (EST)

12) Customer Account Billing Type (BLT)

13) IP Address used during creation of Customer Account or MAC Address (AIP)

14) IP Address used to request shipment pickup or bill creation or MAC Address) (SIP)

15) Biographic Data (Proof of Identity/Gov/t Issued Document Number, Document Country,

D.O.B.) (ISR+ID) => B2B is not applicable


■  추가 전송 항목 17개 (Optional)

16. Customer Account E-mail. Data is distinct from shipper e-mail and should be sent separately for the customer account even if it is the same (use data type EML or VML within the account data record)

17. Customer Account Phone Number. Data is distinct from shipper phone number and should be sent separately for the customer account even if it is the same (use data type PHN or VPH within the account data record)

18. Origin of Shipment. Report on the WBL Origin of Shipment field

19. Transaction Type. Report on CAMIR WBL Transaction Type or Cargo-IMP OCI with information type RT. 

20. Shipper MID or AEO Number. Report on SHP record using type MID. In CAMIR messages, send the data in Party Info Type/Party Info fields. In Cargo-IMP messages, use OCI with information type MI. 

21. Consignee IOR (or similar number). Report on CGN record using type IOR. In CAMIR messages, send the data in Party Info Type/Party Info fields. In Cargo-IMP messages, use OCI with information type II. 

22. Commodity HTS Code, Value and related information. Report on CAMIR CSD record or Cargo-IMP HTS record. 

23. Regulated Agent (Yes or No). Report on OPI record with Party Type RAG. a. Regulated Agent Name b. Regulated Agent Address c. Regulated Agent Code 

24. Shipment Place of Receipt (name and address). Report on CAMIR OPI record or Cargo-IMP APD record with Party Type POR. 

25. Shipment Packing Location (name and address of facility). Report on OPI record or Cargo-IMP APD record with Party Type PKG.

26. Ship To Party (name and address) Report on OPI record or Cargo-IMP APD record with Party Type STP. 

27. Shipping cost. Report on WBL record Shipping Cost field. 

28. Filing Type.

29. Special Handling. Type of special handling, dangerous goods, or cargo feature. Report on CAMIR WBL Special Handling or Cargo-IMP FWB SPH record (25), FHL WBS record (3.10).

30. URL of the eCommerce Marketplace (CAMIR MUR, Cargo-IMP MU)

31. URL of item(s) purchased or SKU of item(s) from the E-commerce marketplace (CAMIR PUR, Cargo-IMP PU) 

32. URL of the supplier/seller/manufacturer of the good(s) (CAMIR SUR, Cargo-IMP SU)


3. FWB/FHL 문서 작성 예시 

  ■  FWB/FHL의 OCI Field에 기존 전송 항목 및 추가 데이터 15개가 반영된 작성 예시

OCI/US/SHP/MU/SHP TEST            ☞  Shipper Name

/US/SHP/MD/SHPTEST.COM          ☞ Shipper Domain

/US/CNE/MU/CNE TEST                  ☞ CNEE name

/US/CNE/MD/CNETEST.COM          ☞ CNEE domain

/US/CUS/AH/S                                  ☞ Customer Account Holder

/US/CUS/AN/CUSTO TEST             ☞ Customer Account Name

/US/CUS/AI/CUSTO ISSUER           ☞ Customer Account Issuer

/US/CUS/AR/ACT NO 8563              ☞ Customer Account Number

/US/CUS/AF/S                                  ☞ Customer Account Shipping Frequency

/US/CUS/KP/Y                                  ☞ Verified Known CNEE

/US/CUS/AE/01JAN21                      ☞ Customer Account Establishment Date

/US/CUS/BT/BILL                              ☞ Customer Account Billing Type

/US/SHP/IA/10-123-456-789             ☞ IP Address used during creation of Customer Account

/US/SHP/IR/20-321-654-987            ☞IP Address used to request shipment pickup

/US/CUS/MU/CUST AT TEST          ☞ Customer Account E-mail

/US/CUS/CT/82 2 2656 0000           ☞ Customer Account Phone Number

/US/CUS/RT/B2B                             ☞ Transaction type

/US/CUS/MI/AEO 4578                   ☞ Shipper MID or AEO Number.

/US/CNE/II/EORI NO 4563             ☞ Consignee IOR (or similar number)

/US/AGT//AGT TEST                      ☞ Regulated Agent Name

/US/AGT/RA/RA NO 7569              ☞ Regulated Agent Code


4. 유의 사항

  ■ Freight Forwarder의 ACAS 절차 미 준수로 인해 미 CBP로부터 당사에  패널티 등 행정처분

     발생 시 Freight Forwarder는 발생한 일체의 손해를 배상해야 합니다. 


5. 추가 데이터 전송 관련 문의

  ■ 담당 부서 : IT 기획팀  

  ■ Email : SELFIT@koreanair.com